MediaWiki talk:Vector.css

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Revision as of 05:49, 9 January 2012 by 5urd (talk | contribs) (New User icon)
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Data URIs

@thekirbylover, want to make it so instead of using images, it uses date uri's? just use this site and paste the data uri in place of the image. browsers that don't support data uri's are old, but you could keep the image as a backup. newer browsers will notice the data uri and use it instead of sending another request to the server for the image, while older browsers (even before IE 6) will see the data uri, not know how to parse it and use the image instead. ex:

#content{background:#C5CCD4 url(/wiki/images/d/d6/Pinstripes_loop.png) top left repeat !important;}


 background: #C5CCD4 url(/wiki/images/d/d6/Pinstripes_loop.png) top left repeat !important;

--Cole Johnson 21:47, 8 January 2012 (MST)

I noticed the default vector css does this too, so I'll do it. thekirbylover 22:41, 8 January 2012 (MST)

New User icon

See that icon next to your user name? See the white around it? You can fix that with this:

#pt-userpage, #pt-anonuserpage, #pt-login {
 background: url(// left top no-repeat;
 background: url() left top no-repeat;

data URI necessary as the main CSS for vector uses it also, so to override it on newer browsers (explained above), we need it
--Cole Johnson 21:58, 8 January 2012 (MST)

I'll be changing it to a different icon anyway, just trying to think which one. thekirbylover 22:41, 8 January 2012 (MST)
I personally like System-users from the Tango icon set. --5urd 22:49, 8 January 2012 (MST)


Can an admin please update the css to my latest [1], but keep Dialexio's changes? Use the show changes button if you need to. thekirbylover 22:41, 8 January 2012 (MST)