Difference between revisions of "YukonFSeed 17F5054h (iPhone9,4)"

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(Created page with "{{keys | Version = 13.5 beta 3 | Build = 17F5054h | Device = iPhone9,3 | Codename = YukonFSeed | Baseband...")
(Upload correct iPhone9,4 keys (I accidentally uploaded 9,3 instead))
Line 2: Line 2:
| Version = 13.5 beta 3
| Version = 13.5 beta 3
| Build = 17F5054h
| Build = 17F5054h
| Device = iPhone9,3
| Device = iPhone9,4
| Codename = YukonFSeed
| Codename = YukonFSeed
| Baseband = 4.03.00
| Baseband = 4.03.00
| DownloadURL = https://updates.cdn-apple.com/auto/fullrestores/001-05548/4744016C-3541-4D7C-A61F-BAE0260727BB/iPhone_4.7_P3_13.5_17F5054h_Restore.ipsw
| DownloadURL = https://updates.cdn-apple.com/auto/fullrestores/001-05635/41006464-35BC-42C3-A828-2486D2A47410/iPhone_5.5_P3_13.5_17F5054h_Restore.ipsw
| RootFS = 038-48804-019
| RootFS = 038-48919-019
| RootFSKey = Not Encrypted
| RootFSKey = Not Encrypted
Line 19: Line 19:
| AOPFirmwareIV = Not Encrypted
| AOPFirmwareIV = Not Encrypted
| AppleLogo = applelogo@2x~iphone.im4p
| AppleLogo = applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p
| AppleLogoIV = Not Encrypted
| AppleLogoIV = Not Encrypted
Line 25: Line 25:
| AppleMaggieIV = Not Encrypted
| AppleMaggieIV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryCharging0 = batterycharging0@2x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryCharging0 = batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryCharging0IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryCharging0IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryCharging1 = batterycharging1@2x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryCharging1 = batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryCharging1IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryCharging1IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryFull = batteryfull@2x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryFull = batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryFullIV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryFullIV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryLow0 = batterylow0@2x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryLow0 = batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryLow0IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryLow0IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryLow1 = batterylow1@2x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryLow1 = batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p
| BatteryLow1IV = Not Encrypted
| BatteryLow1IV = Not Encrypted
| DeviceTree = DeviceTree.d101ap.im4p
| DeviceTree = DeviceTree.d111ap.im4p
| DeviceTreeIV = Not Encrypted
| DeviceTreeIV = Not Encrypted
| GlyphPlugin = glyphplugin@1334~iphone-lightning.im4p
| GlyphPlugin = glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p
| GlyphPluginIV = Not Encrypted
| GlyphPluginIV = Not Encrypted
| Homer = homer_D101.im4p
| Homer = homer_D111.im4p
| HomerIV = Not Encrypted
| HomerIV = Not Encrypted
| iBEC = iBEC.d10.RELEASE.im4p
| iBEC = iBEC.d11.RELEASE.im4p
| iBECIV = 491ee6f051a02ca5112c6bbaaabf5c7e
| iBECIV = 223785a25c0d4eda6f305cec0dd2e308
| iBECKey = e4086ea63c5514f67bed9faabb804fe56ce44965d0d9a97532b7e766ed1018f7
| iBECKey = 6b37e55adf1868b2497a1abde366aad922361172e2c8af0f028c4ed302411163
| iBoot = iBoot.d10.RELEASE.im4p
| iBoot = iBoot.d11.RELEASE.im4p
| iBootIV = 718147614717e7fc743204d27ddd4428
| iBootIV = c91bff36e2a4f2a9b93534dadff8660d
| iBootKey = 7d6fbe124752c8c453bcdefb986d537fc185b36f9089a5077fd6e0ab778e2488
| iBootKey = 407f4aa23fe4daf59eeca04f99cdc3e02eaea033aacdc7bd9cc1da6a45310810
| iBSS = iBSS.d10.RELEASE.im4p
| iBSS = iBSS.d11.RELEASE.im4p
| iBSSIV = 08f8442cc39493011a7d096f2ecac5d9
| iBSSIV = 10173565ac9e3f60baa59f3d4af8511a
| iBSSKey = 62a2356aef582ec440ed282949a530d34d1cdb68ca492c1dcab6818c20b945c6
| iBSSKey = 8eee9d8e91a4845ae52e1be75f7b4a24625566cba694ea3ab50989bd15b08c10
| Kernelcache = kernelcache.release.iphone9
| Kernelcache = kernelcache.release.iphone9
| KernelcacheIV = Not Encrypted
| KernelcacheIV = Not Encrypted
| LiquidDetect = liquiddetect@1334~iphone-lightning.im4p
| LiquidDetect = liquiddetect@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p
| LiquidDetectIV = Not Encrypted
| LiquidDetectIV = Not Encrypted
| LLB = LLB.d10.RELEASE.im4p
| LLB = LLB.d11.RELEASE.im4p
| LLBIV = 0a25f0be7d656379db7a9a62e7224831
| LLBIV = 49096a55bd10aa467932d250349750ff
| LLBKey = 856b89258c69ccbf2ce2c6ddf58028dde976117abc3c788d8d7ca92891ee4000
| LLBKey = ce053569ce0b50ea82a928d1fa3d26382f08c7167fc61192f7dbb11b85cc68cb
| RecoveryMode = recoverymode@1334~iphone-lightning.im4p
| RecoveryMode = recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p
| RecoveryModeIV = Not Encrypted
| RecoveryModeIV = Not Encrypted
| SEPFirmware = sep-firmware.d101.RELEASE.im4p
| SEPFirmware = sep-firmware.d111.RELEASE.im4p
| SEPFirmwareIV = Unknown
| SEPFirmwareIV = Unknown
| SEPFirmwareKey = Unknown
| SEPFirmwareKey = Unknown
| SEPFirmwareKBAG = 9de818ed421416df7d9eabd6e6b5a536727be538de45c1ae5eb54f9dc6ca2b6b6930a6ff28222335ef3b7dc4e8897fc6
| SEPFirmwareKBAG = 58ed2bf7ed980c9c4fa897c6bda756983342d30886b3455f39949741afa752036bf8aab5b06ee45fa03b21108c5abf1f

Latest revision as of 15:53, 26 April 2021

iOS 13.5 beta 3
Build 17F5054h
Codename YukonFSeed
Device iPhone 7 Plus (iPhone9,4)
Baseband 4.03.00
Download Firmware

Root Filesystem

Filename: 038-48919-019.dmg

  • Not Encrypted

Update Ramdisk

Filename: 038-48585-019.dmg

  • Not Encrypted

Restore Ramdisk

Filename: 038-48998-019.dmg

  • Not Encrypted

AOP Firmware

Filename: aopfw-t8010aop.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


  • Not Encrypted

Apple Maggie

Filename: AppleMaggieFirmwareImage.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: DeviceTree.d111ap.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: homer_D111.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: iBEC.d11.RELEASE.im4p

  • IV: 223785a25c0d4eda6f305cec0dd2e308
  • Key: 6b37e55adf1868b2497a1abde366aad922361172e2c8af0f028c4ed302411163


Filename: iBoot.d11.RELEASE.im4p

  • IV: c91bff36e2a4f2a9b93534dadff8660d
  • Key: 407f4aa23fe4daf59eeca04f99cdc3e02eaea033aacdc7bd9cc1da6a45310810


Filename: iBSS.d11.RELEASE.im4p

  • IV: 10173565ac9e3f60baa59f3d4af8511a
  • Key: 8eee9d8e91a4845ae52e1be75f7b4a24625566cba694ea3ab50989bd15b08c10


Filename: kernelcache.release.iphone9

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: liquiddetect@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: LLB.d11.RELEASE.im4p

  • IV: 49096a55bd10aa467932d250349750ff
  • Key: ce053569ce0b50ea82a928d1fa3d26382f08c7167fc61192f7dbb11b85cc68cb


Filename: recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p

  • Not Encrypted


Filename: sep-firmware.d111.RELEASE.im4p

  • IV: Unknown
  • Key: Unknown
  • KBAG: 58ed2bf7ed980c9c4fa897c6bda756983342d30886b3455f39949741afa752036bf8aab5b06ee45fa03b21108c5abf1f