User talk:liamchat

From The iPhone Wiki
Revision as of 21:46, 12 December 2010 by Http (talk | contribs) (STOP! The ban discussion is over long ago. There are no new evidences on this wiki since then. Chat elsewhere please. sysop)
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 • 2010 • 2011 •


That isn't vandalism, it's just your iPhone that knew me. --Qwertyoruiop 19:04, 8 December 2010 (UTC)


Please follow the standard format for folders:

== Summary ==
A short summary of this folder

== Children ==
=== Folders ===
a list of folders using the ipfw template
=== Files ===
a list of files using the ipfw template

== Parents ==
List of parents... Example: [[/|Root]]/[[/var|var]]/[[/var/stash|stash]]/[[/var/stash/Applications.*****|Applications.*****]]

and the fomat for files:

== Summary ==
a short summary

== File Contents ==
says it all

== Parents ==
same as above

--Balloonhead66 16:23, 5 December 2010 (UTC)