User talk:IAdam1n

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Revision as of 16:22, 18 March 2013 by 5urd (talk | contribs)
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Stop requesting to remove old information. We keep it for historical reasons. It's the same reason blogs don't delete old posts. What if there was a version that worked on Win2k while the newest one doesn't? It would make sense to have the changeling that states that Win2k support is dropped so they know what will work and what won't. This site usually contains information that has sense been remove from the internet. Look at NAND. It contains renders of the storage mapping PDF that has been removed from the internet! What if MuscleNerd didn't raster them? We wouldn't have that document anymore! Old information is still useful. Look at Intel! They still provide the Intel 4004 manual. Is that useful to most people? No. But it provides useful information that could have been lost! Please, stop. --5urd (talk) 16:20, 18 March 2013 (UTC)

rowspan and colspan

Please stop rowspaning and colspaning everything. Not everything needs it. If it is done to make it consistent with the rest of the page, then it's ok. Other than that, discuss it first. --5urd (talk) 16:22, 18 March 2013 (UTC)