Tatsu Signing Server

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The Tatsu Signing Server (TSS) is a collection of services provided by Apple. In late 2012, the list of available services was briefly made public at gs.apple.com. This index page has since been removed, although at least one archived capture of this page exists. There is an Apple internal equivalent, known as Spidercab, running at tatsu-tss-internal.apple.com and tss-int.apple.com, which are only accessible within Apple's VPN. SpiderCab is used to sign internal/debug and test builds of iOS, including old versions that are no longer signed on production.

Reliable communication to the TSS server requires the appropriate HTTP header, as described in SHSH Protocol#Communication.

Server Details

It is of moderate security concern to know that the TSS server runs Apache Tomcat, the version of which being exposed in the default 404 page.


External Links

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