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PurpleRestore3 appears to be the latest version of PurpleRestore semi available to the public. This build was found online (twitter) and I currently own a copy of it. The application name itself is PurpleRestore3 and it comes in the package known as RestoreTools3. RestoreTools3 is a dev version of PurpleTools, and also has some other utils in it that aren't available in the older leaked version.

DCSD refuses to load as some signed PList files are missing, and you still need AppleConnect to install INTERNAL bundles, but everything else works fine. The PurpleRestore GUI is completely redone, and it looks way different from the leaked version. The GUI is much more user friendly. There appears to be a special Wiki, but it is currently down. I'm assuming that the Apple PurpleRestore wiki is much better than this one. Surprisingly, this tool also allows you to flash a custom boot logo, but it seems to have to be decrypted. I'm guessing that it makes a new IMG3 container for the image, and discards the old one before flashing to the correct place in NAND/NOR.

This tool was originally gotten from info_iosx, so special shout-outs go to him.