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plutil is basically a plist reader/converter used by iTunes and Xcode.It converts a xml file to binary plist and native plist.

Apple's plutil

Usage :

Erica's plutil

plutil: [command_option] [other_options] file...
-h             show this message and exit
-l             output a list of the properties (default)
-k             list the top level property list keys
-t             create new property list(s) and exit
-c fmt         rewrite the property list in format
               fmt is one of xml1 binary1
Setting and accessing (writes to XML):
-v key         retrieve the value for key
-s key         set the value for key with the option given in -v
-i key         set int value for the key with the option given in -v
-f key         set float value for the key with the option given in -v
-0 key         set the key to the boolean value false
-1 key         set the key to the boolean value true
-r key         remove the key/value pair for key