Image load

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iPhone 3GS 8920x from iBoot-636.66

Disassembly for image_load

N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     ; Attributes: bp-based frame
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     ; int __fastcall n88ap__iBoot__image_load(struct MEMZ_STRUCT *mem_info, char *TAG_TYPE, int unknown1, int unknown2)
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     n88ap__iBoot__image_load                ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__diag_function+8A�p
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0                                             ; sub_4FF009CC+22�p
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__go_command+66�p
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__ramdisk_command_function+7E�p
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__devicetree_function+7C�p ...
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     var_18          = -0x18
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     var_14          = -0x14
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     oldR4           = -0x10
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     oldR5           = -0xC
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     oldR7           = -8
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0     oldLR           = -4
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E0 000                 PUSH    {R4,R5,R7,LR}   ; Push registers
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E2 010                 ADD     R7, SP, #8      ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E4 010                 SUB     SP, SP, #8      ; Rd = Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E6 018                 MOV     R5, R3          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4E8 018                 LDR     R3, [R2]        ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4EA 018                 MOV     R4, R2          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4EC 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_14] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4EE 018                 LDR     R3, [R5]        ; param_R3
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4F0 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_18] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4F2 018                 CBZ     R0, end_of_error ; Compare and Branch on Zero
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4F4 018                 LDR     R2, [R0,#MEMZ_STRUCT.tag.full_size] ; param_R2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4F6 018                 CMP     R3, R2          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4F8 018                 BCS     loc_4FF1D502    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4FA 018                 LDR     R0, =aImage_loadImageTooLarge_0 ; "image_load: image too large\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D4FC 018                 BL      N88AP__iBOOT__console_printf ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D500 018                 B       end_of_error    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D502     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D502     loc_4FF1D502                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+18�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D502 018                 LDR     R2, [R0,#MEMZ_STRUCT.id_memz] ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D504 018                 LDR     R3, ='Memz'     ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D506 018                 CMP     R2, R3          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D508 018                 BEQ     MemZ_Operation  ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D50A 018                 LDR     R3, ='img3'     ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D50C 018                 CMP     R2, R3          ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D50E 018                 BNE     end_of_error    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D510 018                 B       img3_Operation  ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D512     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D512     MemZ_Operation                          ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+28�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D512 018                 ADD     R2, SP, #0x18+var_14 ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D514 018                 MOV     R3, SP          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D516 018                 BL      n88ap__iBoot__blockdev ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D51A 018                 CBZ     R0, loc_4FF1D534 ; Compare and Branch on Zero
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D51C 018                 CMP     R0, #0x16       ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D51E 018                 BNE     end_of_error    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D520 018                 LDR     R3, [R4]        ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D522 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_14] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D524 018                 LDR     R3, [R5]        ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D526 018                 STR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_18] ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D528 018                 B       end_of_error    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D52A     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D52A     img3_Operation                          ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+30�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D52A 018                 ADD     R2, SP, #0x18+var_14 ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D52C 018                 MOV     R3, SP          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D52E 018                 BL      n88ap__iBoot__blockdev ; Branch with Link
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D532 018                 CBNZ    R0, end_of_error ; Compare and Branch on Non-Zero
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D534     loc_4FF1D534                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+3A�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D534 018                 LDR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_14] ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D536 018                 MOVS    R0, #0          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D538 018                 STR     R3, [R4]        ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D53A 018                 LDR     R3, [SP,#0x18+var_18] ; Load from Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D53C 018                 STR     R3, [R5]        ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D53E 018                 B       loc_4FF1D54A    ; Branch
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540     end_of_error                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+12�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__image_load+20�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__image_load+2E�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__image_load+3E�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540                                             ; n88ap__iBoot__image_load+48�j ...
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D540 018                 MOV.W   R0, #0xFFFFFFFF ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D544 018                 MOVS    R3, #0          ; Rd = Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D546 018                 STR     R3, [R4]        ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D548 018                 STR     R3, [R5]        ; Store to Memory
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D54A     loc_4FF1D54A                            ; CODE XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+5E�j
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D54A 018                 SUB.W   SP, R7, #8      ; Rd = Op1 - Op2
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D54E 018                 POP     {R4,R5,R7,PC}   ; Pop registers
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D54E     ; End of function n88ap__iBoot__image_load
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D54E     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D550     ; int off_4FF1D550
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D550     off_4FF1D550    DCD aImage_loadImageTooLarge_0
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D550                                             ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+1A�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D550                                             ; "image_load: image too large\n"
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D554     dword_4FF1D554  DCD 'Memz'              ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+24�r
N88AP_iBoot:4FF1D558     dword_4FF1D558  DCD 'img3'              ; DATA XREF: n88ap__iBoot__image_load+2A�r