IMG3 File Format

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This is the replacement for the IMG2 File Format in 2.0 firmware.


struct Img3 {
 unsigned int magic;
 unsigned int dataLenPad;
 unsigned int u1; // offSet to 20 byte footer
 unsigned int certOffset;
 unsigned int name;
 unsigned int type;
 unsigned int nameOffset;
 unsigned int dataLen;
} typedef Img3;

Tag Format

unsigned int magic;
unsigned int total_length;   //data_length+0xC
unsigned int data_length;


VERS: Version
SEPO: Unknown
BORD: Board to be used with
KBAG: contains the KEY and IV required to decrypt encrypted with the GID-key
SHSH: RSA encrypted SHA1 hash of the file
CERT: Certificate


Apple got smarter this time, requiring the Hardware AES engine to be run per file. Decrypt the KBAG tag data (0x20 byte?) with the hardware AES engine and get the 0x10 byte IV and the 0x10 byte KEY.


cmw's IMG3 Unpacker