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The ECID (possibly standing for Exclusive Chip ID or Electronic Chip ID) is an identifier unique to every unit.

It is 64 bits wide, with the first ~20 bits usually set to zero (looks like 00000XXXXXXXXXXX in hex).

It holds a key position in the SHSH Protocol, being the element that limits each APTicket to a single specific device.

Note: Some tools show it in decimal format while others do it in hexadecimal.

Getting the ECID

Via iTunes

  • Connect your iDevice to your computer.
  • Open iTunes.
  • Navigate to the "Summary" tab for your device.
  • At the top of the panel, click twice on the line that says "Serial Number".
  • Your ECID is displayed in hexadecimal.

Via third-party software


The UDID Calculator application from Cydia displays (among other things) the ECID of your device (shown in decimal).


  • Install libimobiledevice.
  • Connect your device over USB.
  • Run ideviceinfo | grep UniqueChipID command.
  • There should be exactly one line, reading UniqueChipID followed by your ECID (in decimal).

Via Recovery Mode or DFU Mode

Mac Instructions

  • Put your device in Recovery Mode or DFU Mode.
  • Open System Profiler. (in /Applications/Utilities/).
  • In the sidebar, go to "USB" (in the "Hardware" section).
  • Under "Serial Number", there should be a part called "ECID". There you go.

Windows Instructions

  • Put your device in Recovery Mode or DFU Mode.
  • Open Device Manager and right click on Apple Mobile Device (Recovery or DFU Mode) for properties.
  • Click on the details tab.
  • Click on the dropdown box and select Device Instance Path.
  • You should find it in the textbox.

Extracting from an SHSH


There are 19 blobs in an SHSH, and the first line of every blob is the same as below:


The * part is the ECID(Dec) encrypted by a certain formula which is

a.Transform ECID(Dec) into ECID(Hex) such as 58608372174291 ---> 35 4D D3 34 4D D3

b.Reverse the ECID(Hex) string such as 35 4D D3 34 4D D3 ---> D3 4D 34 D3 4D 35

c.Transform the string we have got into binary such as D3 4D 34 D3 4D 35 ---> ÓM4ÓM5

d.Encode the binary with base64 such as ÓM4ÓM5 ---> 00000001

Use this formula backward (d. to a.) we can extract the * part into ECID(Dec).


First, get your apticket.der. There are two options:

  • Copy it from your device in /System/Library/Caches/apticket.der.
  • Extract it from an SHSH file, e.g. using plutil -extract ApImg4Ticket xml1 -o - *.shsh | xmllint -xpath '/plist/data/text()' - | base64 -D > apticket.der;.

Now you can use any old ASN.1 parser to display the file, such as openssl asn1parse -i -inform DER -in apticket.der. To get only the ECID part, use openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in apticket.der | grep -A1 ECID. It should show on the second line after the colon (in hexadecimal, possibly with a leading zero).

Developer Instructions

On OSX, call AMDeviceCopyValue in the MobileDevice Framework with "UniqueChipID". It returns the ECID as a CFNumberRef(kCFNumberSInt64Type) object.

Example implementation (all safeties removed, will probably crash if connection fails), compile with clang -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -framework MobileDevice -framework CoreFoundation:

// Please ping @s1guza on Twitter if this file stops compiling/working
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

// Cheap aliases to make things compile without headers
typedef void am_device;
typedef void am_device_notification;
typedef void* am_device_notification_callback_info;
extern void AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(void(*callback)(am_device_notification_callback_info *info, void *arg), int unused1, int unused2, void *unknown, am_device_notification** notification);
extern void AMDeviceConnect(am_device *device);
extern void AMDeviceStartSession(am_device *device);
extern void* AMDeviceCopyValue(am_device *device, int unknown, CFStringRef value);

void cb(am_device_notification_callback_info *info, void *arg)
    uint64_t ecid;
    am_device *dev = *info; /* info->dev */

    CFNumberRef ecidRef = AMDeviceCopyValue(dev, 0, CFSTR("UniqueChipID"));
    CFNumberGetValue(ecidRef, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &ecid);
    printf("ECID: %llX\n", ecid);


int main()
    uint32_t buf[5];
    am_device_notification *notification = (am_device_notification*)buf;
    AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(&cb, 0, 0, NULL, &notification);
    return 0;