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Who am I?: I am an idevice enthusiast, I hang out with iH8sn0w on the chronic-dev irc server in the room #iH8sn0w, and help out people with jailbreaking the iPhone and to a point the iPad.

What devices do I own:

iPhones iPod Touches iPads
iPhoneiPod Touch 2giPad 32 gig wifi only
iPhone 3g 16iPod touch 3g
iPhone 3gs 32 gig
iPhone 4 32 gig

What Operating systems do I run:

I have a macmini with a 160 gig hdd and 2 gigs of ram. Then quite a few computers running windows vista, including a hp touchsmart

What have I contributed to the scene:

As of now nothing yet I have made a couple jailbreaks but i am still inexperienced with trying to create a jailbreak from scratch. I am learning xcode, and also learning the basics from ih8sn0w how to create a jailbreak. I am learning the rest myself.

Personal website (Yes it looks like facebook its just a theme):

My blog: