
From The iPhone Wiki
Revision as of 07:55, 11 January 2015 by IAdam1n (talk | contribs) (Operating Systems: 7.8.)
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Moderator on JailbreakQA and Flex Cloud. I answer support questions at HASHBANG Productions. I know some Java and CSS. I have also contibuted to the mobile website of JailbreakQA. I like things to be perfect so I may make minor edits for the smallest of things. If you want to contact me, feel free to email.

iOS Devices

Device Variant Colour Storage Firmware Build Jailbroken? Tool Purpose
iPhone iPhone1,1 Silver/Black 4GB 3.1.3 7E18 Yes redsn0w Testing/Archiving
iPhone 4 iPhone3,1 Black 16GB 7.1.2 11D257 Pangu Testing
iPhone 5s iPhone6,2 Space Grey 8.1.2 12B440 TaiG Main

Operating Systems

OS Device Version
OS X MacBook Pro 15" Early 2011 Yosemite (10.10.1)
Windows Boot Camp 8.1
Debian VPS 7.8
iOS See the iOS Devices table above.

